Have a website your
clients talk about

Hi, I'm Kris and I Design Websites in Google Sites.

Most importantly, I answer your questions:

Templates? Web builders? Hosting providers?
What do I need?

Button for custom created Google Sites templates, sitesdesigner.cc


Google Sites Template example for Coffee Shop, sitesdesigner.cc

Coffee Shop Google Sites Template

Website for coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries, candy shops

#3pages #aboutus #services #gallery #logo #animatedtestimonials #googlemap #socialmedia #contactform #favicon

Google Sites Template example for mobile apps, service providers, educators, sitesdesigner.cc

Mobile App Google Sites Template

Website for mobile apps, startups, educators

#onepage #features #socialmedia #q&a #logo#productdescription #testimonials #favicon #contactform

Google Sites Template example for musicians, bands, podcasts, sitesdesigner.cc

Artist/Musician Google Sites Template

Website for musicians, bands, podcasts

#8pages #aboutme #productsdescription #countdowntimer #audioplayer #youtubevideo #socialmedia #logo #favicon

Google Sites Template example for service providers, entrepreneurs, virtual assistants, sitesdesigner.cc

Virtual Assistant Google Sites Template

Website for service providers, solopreneurs, graphic designers, copywriters

#twopage #features #aboutme #testimonials #services #contact #logo #favicon

Google Sites Template example for wood shops, craftsmen, artisans, tradesmen, sitesdesigner.cc

Wood Shop Google Sites Template

Website for craftsmen, artisans, tradesmen

#onepage #videoheader #contactform #slideshow #googlemaps #testimonials

Google Sites Template example for photographers, artists, service providers, sitesdesigner.cc

Photographer Google Sites Template

Website for photographers, artists, entrepreneurs

#5pages #animatedcounter #aboutme #slideshow #services #socialmedia #contactform

Button for custom created Google Sites templates, sitesdesigner.cc

What's my main focus when I design your website in Google Sites?

Google Sites templates examples and website design focus, new customers, sitesdesigner.cc

New Customers

Attract new customers and hook your existing ones to win their love and payments.

Google Sites templates examples and website design focus, save time and money, sitesdesigner.cc

Save Time and $$$

Your website gives relevant information and answers FAQ so you don't have to.

Google Sites templates examples and website design focus, stand out, sitesdesigner.cc

Stand Out

Show your expertise and make competitors turn green with envy because of your success.

Google Sites templates examples and website design focus, best ROI, sitesdesigner.cc

Best ROI

Return On Investment of your website is much better than any other form of marketing.

Google Sites templates examples and website design focus, free Google hosting, sitesdesigner.cc

Free Hosting

No (more) paying month after month after month. It's free, on reliable Google servers.

Google Sites templates examples and website design focus, your own URL, sitesdesigner.cc

Your URL

Your online home on your own domain, without any external branding (no Wix, Weebly, bla).

Google Sites templates examples and website design focus, tailored design, sitesdesigner.cc

Superb Design

Impress and hear "Wow" with custom pro design created uniquely for you.

Google Sites templates examples and website design focus, traffic analysis with Google Analytics, sitesdesigner.cc

Traffic Analysis

Make better decisions by tracking your visitors' behavior with Google Analytics.

How do we proceed?

Reach Out.

Contact me so we can talk about your website.

We Talk.

After setting up an online meeting, we go through all the details and plan the execution.


When I design your website, you proudly go and brag about it to your clients and conquer your competition.

Button for custom created Google Sites templates, sitesdesigner.cc